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Operating under the influence cases are among the most numerous type of cases brought to trial. The reason is that often times the evidence is subjective and lacking to establish proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Over the years i have represented individuals across all walks of life in this charge. It is often a case of “a good person having a bad night.”
Past clients have included financial and medical professionals, law enforcement, teachers, tradesmen, business owners, students, and everything else in between.
When you have been arrested for Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol (OUI, DWI, DUI) in Massachusetts you need a tested, experienced trial attorney to assess your case. The laws regarding OUI cases continue to evolve in Massachusetts and it is important to consult with someone who is on top of the law. Recent changes in Massachusetts under "Melanie's Law" have strengthened penalties for offenders and navigating your way through the system is complex.
Generally, when you are charged with Operating Under the Influence of alcohol you will be arraigned on the next business day when the court is open. The arraignment is a formal reading of the charges against you and an opportunity for the prosecutor to address bail. Usually a copy of the police report(s) is available to you and your attorney on the arraignment date.
The police report is a summary of the event made by police officers to document the incident that led to you being charged. It will undoubtedly include reference to operation of the motor vehicle, physical observations such as red and glassy eyes, odor of alcohol, slurred speech etc. Additionally, if there were field sobriety tests (FST's) given the officer will document what tests were given and his impression of how you did on them. Common FST's include, but are not limited to, recitation of the alphabet, one-legged stand, and the nine step heel to toe test. It is important to remember that these tests are subjective in nature. In other words, it is one person's assessment of another that makes up a large part of the evidence of field sobriety tests.
If you have taken a breathalyzer test the results of that will be included in the police report as well. In Massachusetts a result of .08 or over is a per se violation that the operator over 21 years old is under the influence. The laws are different for underage operators with regard to the breath test. You should consult with an attorney who is well acquainted with all aspects of license loss due to breath tests failures and refusals.
After the arraignment, the case will proceed to a pre-trial conference, if necessary, a motion date and then to a trial or disposition date. At a pre-trial conference, the prosecutor and defense attorney exchange information and documents that they intend to use at a trial. Such discovery items include witness lists, photographs, breathalyzer records and other items each side thinks is important to establish their version of the case. Keep in mind that the burden of proof is always on the government to prove the charge beyond a reasonable doubt in any criminal case.
There are several types of motions that could be filed in your case. Examples are motions to dismiss the case and motions to suppress certain evidence. As each case is factually different, so are the bases for filing and succeeding on motions. In appropriate cases, evidence such as breath test results, blood tests, incriminating statements and others have all been successfully suppressed by Attorney Christopher F. Murray in cases throughout the state.
A successful motion can seriously weaken the government's case and increase the chances of a successful defense verdict at trial.
Only an experienced and successful trial attorney is going to be able to validly assess your case and determine if it should be taken to a trial or a plea. In Massachusetts, a defendant is entitled to a trial by jury or a judge. There are numerous reasons to take into consideration before you choose what avenue is best for you. Don't be fooled by the two types of lawyers: there are the ones who think every case should be taken to trial and ones who think that every case should be a plea. The reality is that each case is different and there are strengths and weaknesses to every situation.
Attorney Christopher F. Murray has handled thousands of Drunk Driving/ Operating Under the Influence OUI/ DWI cases as a former prosecutor and as a successful defense attorney. His experience allows him to assess all the angles in a case to give you the superior advocacy that you deserve. Before you make any decisions regarding your own case call our office for an informed, honest, and FREE consultation.
Drunk Driving charges in Massachusetts will frequently have wide ranging ramifications with the RMV resulting in suspended licenses / right to operate. Occasionally these issues can be worked out with a hearings officer but more likely the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals is a three person body who can sustain, modify or overturn the decision of the RMV. Attorney Murray has appeared extensively before the Board on a wide range of issues associated with various motor vehicle infractions and rules.
Call or email Attorney Christopher F. Murray today at 508-746-4144 and cmurray@chrismurraylaw.com for your FREE case consultation.
Plymouth, Kingston, Wareham, Rochester, Hingham, Hull, Brockton, Hanover, Norwell, Hanson, Whitman, Weymouth, Boston, Dorchester, Quincy, Pembroke, Marshfield, Scituate, Falmouth, Barnstable, all of Cape Cod and the Islands, Cohasset, Dedham, Braintree, Rockland, Duxbury, Middlesex, Norfolk, Bristol and all over the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
In 2009, Attorney Murray was lead counsel in Nolan v. Ocean Spray, a civil case in which his client was awarded $1 million after a three week jury trial in Plymouth Superior Court against a high powered Boston law firm.
The award was later increased by the trial judge to $2.9 Million.
This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.
The Law Office of Christopher F. Murray
18 Main Street Extension
Suite 407
Plymouth MA 02360